The One and Only Series is a celebration of the solo performance. Each year MOXIE Productions and the Grange Hall Cultural Center (GHCC) hosts solo performance shows of all kinds for its season, January-April, in Waterbury Center, Vermont. Please note: we may be amending the scheduling of our 2022 season to accommodate the Covid-19 pandemic, to extend beyond the traditional season.
Submissions are welcome from all forms of one-person performing arts. Presentations have included storytelling, improv, dance, musical, puppetry, multimedia, variety, spoken word, cabaret, stand-up, magic, tragedy, comedy, and other forms of solo performance.
Submissions are currently being welcomed for the 2022 One & Only Series season for 45-90 minute performances. Deadline: September 15, 2021. Please see submission form for guideline details.
See our Call for Submissions for detailed instructions and email or use our online submission form.