2021 One & Only Series Call for Submissions

One & Only Series


DEADLINE:  August 15, 2020

The One and Only Series is a celebration of the solo performance. Each year MOXIE Productions and the Grange Hall Cultural Center (GHCC) hosts solo performance shows of all kinds for its season, January-April, in Waterbury Center, Vermont.  Please note: we may be amending the scheduling of our 2021 season to accommodate the Covid-19 pandemic, to extend beyond the traditional season.

Submissions are welcome from all forms of one-person performing arts. Presentations have included storytelling, improv, dance, musical, puppetry, multimedia, variety, spoken word, cabaret, stand-up, magic, tragedy, comedy, and other forms of solo performance. 

Submissions are currently being welcomed for the 2021 One & Only Series season for 45-90 minute performances. Deadline: August 15, 2020. Please see submission form for guideline details.

Proposals should consist of:

  1. A synopsis (a clear and concise written description of your show) including duration;
  2. A copy of current script**;
  3. Any production history including grants or other awards;
  4. Bios of all collaborators;
  5. Technical requirements and on-site technical needs;
  6. Any video samples.
  7. A press packet of materials and any press received

Preference will be granted to shows:

  1. Between 45-90 minutes running time; (unless a group is applying together with 60-90 minutes total of separate solo shows of 15 minutes or more)
  2. With uncomplicated production/technical needs;
  3. Self-contained with design and construction executed prior to arrival;
  4. With artists willing to participate in community outreach/education/publicity events associated with their work;
  5. That are comedy, drama, or movement shows of local, cultural, or family interest;
  6. With multiple scheduling options

Artists will receive:

  1. Two or more consecutive performances of their work in the 2021 One & Only Series:
  2. Full publicity package through our media systems and networks;
  3. Full technical rehearsal prior to the show, as necessary;
  4. Front-of-House and Box Office personnel and operation for all performances;
  5. 50/50 split of box office receipts with performer or group of performers;
  6. Production/technical support and operation for their One & Only performances;

**Please note that shows can still be in development, but presentation must be complete in dramatic form according to MOXIE Productions/GHCC evaluation. 

**All scripts are the sole property of the authoring artist and will not be shared with anyone unassociated with the One & Only production without written consent of the artist.

**”Scripts” for movement pieces should be laid out in its appropriate form. Videos are most appreciated.

Other guidelines:

  1. Submissions must be digital and will be accepted by email only, unless otherwise previously arranged.
  2. All submissions must be complete at the time of application.
  3. MOXIE Productions and Grange Hall Cultural Center have the right to refuse any submission for any reason at any time.

Apply with above requirements by August 15, 2020 to grangehallcc@gmail.com with “2021 One & Only Submission” in subject line.

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