Open Auditions for Summer and Fall Performances in Central Vermont

Open Auditions April 27, 2-5pm

for 2019 performances in Central Vermont

Registrations strongly encouraged (button to the right, below).  If you register with us by April 25, we will provide script excerpts by email. Those not registered will be fit in as time allows.

Scripts and songs will be available at the auditions, but it is advised that you bring your own pre-prepared audition material.  Pictures and resumes are also appreciated.

Seeking performers for the following 4 productions:


“Dream Of The Burning Boy,” by David West Read

Rehearsals: Begin May 20 (or earlier depending on actors’ schedules).

Production Run: June 20-23, June 27-29, July 5-7 @ the Grange Hall Cultural Center, Waterbury Center, Vermont

Available Roles: (must be able to play the age as indicated, all other roles have been cast.)

Dane: male, a student, late teens.

 Steve: a guidance counselor, late twenties.

***We would appreciate if you could bring: 1)  a 2-3 minute monologue or poem or short story about high school or “first job” experience.  Otherwise we will have materials for you there. Remember to bring a brief resume of experience with picture of yourself if you have one.

The Cherry Orchard, by Anton Chekov

Rehearsals: 1o rehearsals in May, 4 in June, and 13 in July at Grange Hall Cultural Center through most of June.  At Unadilla Theater starting June 16

Production run: July 18-20, 25-28, & August 1-4

Available roles: (all other roles have been cast)

Anya: a member of the dying aristocracy, late teens-early 20s, struggling with her ungrounded upbringing, lovely, loving, brave.

Dunyasha: a member of the peasant class, late teens, early 20s, deciding between romantic prospects, high strung, lovable if not a bit silly at times.

***We would appreciate if you could bring: 1)  a 2-3 minute monologue or poem or short story about being in love, losing something important, or finding the courage to face your fears.  Otherwise we will have materials for you there. Remember to bring a brief resume of experience with picture of yourself if you have one.


“Rodeo Gals,” a play with music about the legend of the Great American Cowboy.  By Jeanne Beckwith and music by F. Brett Cox.

  This is a play in development with production slated in Spring of 2020. Actors and musicians are encouraged to try out.

Available Roles (note that all ages are sought):

Musicians:  Traditional country band components as a base for the band, but we are open to all instruments as options.

Grace: Flashy, older, but not too old to barrel race

Helen:  A bit prim, the same age as Grace, also a barrel racer.

Abby: Sweet, twenties, a barrel racer

Davy:  A young rodeo star and romantic

Albert:  Rodeo Clown & wrangler, plays in the band

Rhonda: A university student, also plays other roles, could be a musician.

Cowboy 1:  Plays a variety of famous cowboy characters, also plays in the band.

Cowboy 2:  Plays a variety of famous cowboy characters

Penny: A teenager

Skyler:  A teenager

***We would appreciate actors could bring: 1) up to 32 bars of music to sing with chord progressions; 2) a 2-3 minute monologue or poem or short story (cowboy experience preferred).  Otherwise we will have materials for you there. Remember to bring a brief resume of experience with picture of yourself if you have one.

***Musicians, please come ready to play a couple of verses of 2-4 songs.

The process will begin with a reading of this play held on Sunday, May 19th, and music and script development continuing through the year.


The Stranger Plays: 4 short plays about the strange realities around us.  Written by Jeanne Beckwith, Elizabeth Flanagan, Hortense Gerardo, and Alex Karolyi. 

Looking for actors to play 10-13 weird and wonderful adult roles of varying ages–all types considered.  Various directors.  Honorarium offered to those cast.

Rehearsals:  Begin in August

Production RunSeptember 19-22 @ Unadilla Festival Theater, Calais and September 26-29 @ Grange Hall Cultural Center, Waterbury Center.

Looking for actors of all types, ages, & experience for these roles navigating the strangeness of life.

***We would appreciate if you could bring: 1)  a 2-3 minute monologue or poem or short story that illustrates a strange experience.  Otherwise we will have materials for you there. Remember to bring a brief resume of experience with picture of yourself if you have one.

Please contact with any questions or concerns not addressed here.


Apr 27 2019


2:00 PM - 5:00 PM



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Grange Hall Cultural Center, 317 Howard Avenue, Waterbury Center, VT 05677


Grange Hall Cultural Center

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