On The Fly, an visual art exhibition celebrating the art of fly fishing


a visual art exhibition celebrating the art of fly fishing

APRIL 11- May 17

Curated by Clark Amadon and Monica Callan

Proceeds benefit art scholarships for youth in local schools


Featuring artwork by regional artists:

Larry Antonuk Samantha Aronson, Jeb Bouchard, Kristian Brevik, Kurt Budliger, Nancy Daigle, Marnie DeFreest, Matt Hart, Janice Kenyon, Judd Levine, Rachel Laudon, Nick Mayer, Shannon Morrison, Tisa Rennau, John Snell, Lisa Therrien, Tyler Vendetouli, and Susan Winter.


This month-long celebration is an Across Roads Center for the Arts fundraising effort for future community arts programming, and their two annual scholarships: the Mitch Siegel Emerging Artist Award, benefiting a high school graduating senior pursuing the arts beyond Harwood Union; and the Janet DiBlasi Arts-In-Curriculum Award which provides a teacher at either Thatcher Brook Primary or Crossett Brook Middle School with funds to enhance learning by incorporating the arts into their core classroom lesson plans.

In addition to the month-long display, the “On The Fly” exhibition will include an art opening April 11 from 5-7pm to celebrate the artists, their work, and fly fishing in the northeast. On Saturday, May 4 and Saturday May 11, 10-12noon each day, Rachel Sargent, an exhibiting artist, will be conducting a nature journaling workshop on the shores of the Waterbury Reservoir. The evening of May 11, 5-8pm, Across Roads invites the community to come to an Iron Fly “Competition,” where fly tying meets the “Iron Chef” and “competitors” are challenged to create an ultimate fish snack from the same set of mystery materials. Prizes will be awarded!

All events take place or begin at Across Roads Center for the Arts’ home, the Grange Hall Cultural Center, 317 Howard Avenue, Waterbury Center, Vermont.

For more information, or to book a pre-arranged viewing appointment, please go to www.grangehallcc.com or email info.acrossroads@gmail.com or call 802-244-4168.



“On The Fly Art” Art Opening Festivities 

A gathering to celebrate the artists, their work and fly fishing in the northeast

April 11, from 5-7pm

Art work and fly tying demos on display

This event is free and open to the public.

Nature Journaling Workshops, taught by Rachel Sargent

A good nature journal has a foundational framework for recording observations and includes both writing and sketching

May 4 & 11, 10am-12noon

Gathering first at the exhibition to travel together to the

Waterbury Reservoir for a guided journaling

All ages & experience welcome. $15/adult   $10/child 12 and younger.

Pre-register at graneghallcc.com, or email info.acrossroads@gmail.com.


Iron Fly “Competition”

Fly tying meets the “Iron Chef”

May 11, 5-8pm

A good natured “competition” to create an ultimate fish snack from the same set of mystery materials

All ages and abilities welcome

(kids 12 & under must register with an adult)

This event is free, but pre-registration to compete is required. (Spectators need not register.)  Donations for attendance and materials accepted toward the scholarship fund. Prizes awarded!!

Guided by Pig Farm Ink, an organization dedicated to“inspiring people to Get Outside and Get Involved.”

Information and registration of all events can be found at www.grangehallcc.com or by contacting info.acrossroads@gmail.com or 802-244-4168


Apr 11 2019 - May 17 2019


8:00 AM - 6:00 PM




Grange Hall Cultural Center, 317 Howard Avenue, Waterbury Center, VT 05677


Grange Hall Cultural Center

Other Organizers

Across Roads Center for the Arts
Across Roads Center for the Arts

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