Messy Monday Mornings OUTSIDE @ the GHCC -K-1 graders
Across Roads Center for the Arts is offering outside art workshops for youth this summer! Rachel Sargent Mirus, artist and biologist, is leading Messy Monday Mornings Outside for K-1 graders, Mondays, August 3, 10, 17– 10-11am.
Get hands on with art and science in three days of messy art projects with Rachel outside at the Grange Hall Cultural Center, 317 Howard Avenue, Waterbury Center, VT!
August 3–Day 1: We’ll make and use our own food-based finger paints;
August 10–Day 2: We’ll experiment with bubbles and use them to make beautiful prints: and
August 17–Day 3: We’ll create clay “fossils” in wild clay.
Register for this series in advance (by July 27) for $10/day.
Early Bird pricing ($10/class) for individual classes can be bought separately, but must be purchased 7 days in advance of the class, otherwise,
Drop In classes are $15.
Attendance: Min: 5 Max: 12
Contact www.grangehallcc.com, grangehallcc@gmail.com or 802-244-4168 for info or registration.
Online tickets available at sevendaystickets.com
Discounts for multiple siblings. Limited scholarships available.
Sign up for as many or as few sessions as you are interested in!
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