EcoArt in Color! with Anne Cummings

EcoArt in Color!
A workshop taught by Anne Cummings, EcoArtist and Curator of
ReAct! An EcoArt Call to Action
September 17, 2-4 pm
A fun creative workshop is for all ages and abilities.
Adult (18 yo +) $20
Adult with child $20 (2 children max/adult).
For registration and information
contact info.acrossroads@gmail.com or 802-244-4168.
(Youth 15 years and older may attend as an adult with ARCA permission prior to workshop date.) Please contact info.acrossroads@gmail.com.)

Materials supplied by artist but participants are strongly encouraged to bring their own colorful recycled items with them!
Anne Cummings’ involvement in the arts has been a lifelong pursuit, from art classes at the Toledo Museum of Art as a child to creating and teaching art in many venues throughout her art career. Anne pursued a joint Bachelor of Arts degree in studio art and art history from Ohio University and later did graduate work in history and art history at the University of Toledo and Ohio State University. She completed a Master’s degree at Saint Michael’s College in Creative Arts in Education. Her current goal is to use her Eco-art to support environmental causes.
Anne has worked professionally in the arts in many capacities. She has been a business owner, exhibition coordinator and designer, museum store manager, artists’ representative, graphic artist, grants writer, member of a fiber artists’ cooperative, and art consultant. She recently completed a 21 year career as a high school art educator and is now focusing full time on her studio art practice, environmental issues, and community art and culture work.