CALL TO ARTISTS: “For The Birds”, an art exhibition about and in appreciation of birds


An art exhibition about and in appreciation for the winged creatures on earth.

Deadline: April 15, 2020 @ 12 midnight

Across Roads Center for the Arts, with Grange Hall Cultural Center, invites artists of all disciplines to submit for consideration in its annual exhibition raising funds for its school scholarship programs. Submissions are sought that express and interpret this bird theme, including expressions through their physical appearance, flight and migration patterns, songs, genetic relation to dinosaurs, social structures and impacts, and historical or regional significance.  All artworks must fall within the stated guidelines and convey the artists’ interpretation and spirit of this exhibit of all things birds.  All art forms will be considered.

Proceeds from artwork sold in this exhibition will benefit the Across Roads Center for the Arts School Scholarship Fund (see below).


Online Submission Deadline:  April 15, 2020 @ midnight

Artwork Drop-Off:                         Sunday, May 17, 2020, 5-7pm

Show Dates:                                    June 5- July 5, 2020

Show Location:

Grange Hall Cultural Center

317 Howard Avenue, Waterbury Center, VT 05677

Exhibition Opening Celebration:      Thursday, June 5, 5-7pm

Artwork Pick-Up:                                   July 6, 2020 10am-12noon


Art Drop-Off and Pick-Up:        

All artwork must be dropped off and picked up at:

Grange Hall Cultural Center

317 Howard Avenue, Waterbury Center, VT 05677

On the designated dates and times.


All artwork will be displayed in the upstairs Hall, in the downstairs gallery, and on the grounds at the Grange Hall Cultural Center at 317 Howard Avenue, Waterbury Center, Vermont, and will be available for viewing during regular gallery times, public activity, or by appointment.

Please contact: for information and submission guidelines.

Information on the Across Roads Center for the Arts Scholarship programs:

The Mitch Siegel Emerging Artist Award continues the WACC tradition of granting monies annually to a graduating high school senior pursuing the arts beyond Harwood Union.  Students must submit an application sharing this pursuit, with examples of their work, an explanation of their artistic process and philosophy, their creative goals, and their plans to reach those goals. The 2020 Mitch Siegel Emerging Artist Award will be $1000.

The Janet DiBlasi Creative Curriculums Award is presented to teachers at the elementary and middle school levels in Waterbury school district who are injecting arts into their curriculum in innovative ways for deeper learning.  The intention of this grant is to celebrate creative work being brought to and accomplished in core curriculum classrooms, acknowledge efforts to explore and expand the vital role of the arts in all sectors of education and the community, and welcoming those students who may not necessarily align themselves with the arts.  Applications are open to any educator or team of educators from Thatcher Brook Primary School or Crossett Brook Middle who are working to include art-making as an intentional part of their programs, and use the arts as a critical component of connecting core curriculum standards with meaningful art applications.   The 2020 Janet DiBlasi Creative Curriculum Award will be $500.

For information and guidelines for either of these grants, contact:

 Schedule of Scholarship Events

The 2020 scholarship application deadlines:

Mitch Siegel Emerging Artist Award– April 15 @ midnight.

Janet DiBlasi Creative Curriculums Award—May 15 @ midnight.

All awards will be presented at the opening of “For The Birds“on June 5, 2020

All submissions must be emailed to

Please receive the guidelines for application form and proper formatting information by contacting


Across Roads Center for the Arts is a non-profit community art organization located at the Grange Hall Cultural Center, 317 Howard Avenue in Waterbury Center.


Jan 09 2020 - Apr 15 2020


8:00 AM - 11:55 PM

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