A Show With Cookies!, written and performed by Katherine Marino

A Show With Cookies!

Written and performed by Katherine Marino

Fri, February 14 & Sat, February 15 @ 7:30pm & Sun, February 16 @ 2pm

$20/adult; $10/5-12 yo online or at the door

ALSO: Sat, February 15, 1-3pm Ms Marino leads an Artist-taught workshop: Physical Theater for Writers and Performers.  Discounts applied when purchasing with show ticket!


In this wonderful show for the whole family, A Show with Cookies! Marino combines her multitude of talents in this one-woman show where she spins trays, juggles hats, bakes cookies, and even falls in love, without ever saying a word. And of course, there are delicious, fresh-baked treats for all!


“…performed by the immensely talented Marino with wit, imagination, and skill. It’s a bright, colorful, and altogether adorable….” – Rochester CITY Newspaper.

…Reminiscent of a young Lucille Ball, her character’s big, wonder-filled eyes may fool you into thinking she is naive, but you soon discover she is the cleverest person in the room.” — Audience review


Physical Theater Storytelling Workshop

Sat, February 15, 1-3pm  $25

Open to adults 18 years + of all backgrounds, genders and abilities.  No experience required.
May be of particular interest to actors, dancers, performers, and storytellers of all kinds.

LIMITED to 16 participants!   Can be bought separately for $25 or with your ticket to her show for a $5 discount!

Pre-Register at sevendaystickets.com (links below)

About the workshop
Physical theatre, as opposed to traditional theatre, focuses on movement and body language as the primary story-telling elements tools rather than spoken or written language. In this creative workshop participants will explore different modes of non-verbal communication and learn some essential elements to physical storytelling. This workshop may include elements of mime technique, clowning, statue work, and contemporary partnering techniques.

You WILL be asked to:
– Try something new and take risks
– Work collaboratively with others
– Play games and be silly

You will NOT be asked to:
– Learn or memorize specific dance choreography
– Speak lines from a script

To take only the workshop:  Pre-register @ https://sevendaystickets.com/events/physical-theater-workshop-for-writers-and-performers-2-15-2020

To see the show AND do the workshop: Pre-register @ https://sevendaystickets.com/events/a-show-with-cookies-2-14-2020


Jan 20 2020


8:00 AM - 6:00 PM

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