Imaginary Animals ONLINE– 5-8th graders
Across Roads Center for the Arts offers this fun and educational art workshop for youth in 5-8 grade this summer online.
Saturdays, August 1, 8, & 15, 10-11am
Join Rachel Sargent Mirus, from Duxbury, Vermont, as she leads youth workshops online, sharing her skills as artist and biologist in an art project inventing your own imaginary animals!
Classes will be held virtually and students can use any materials they prefer. Rachel will be demonstrating primarily with drawing tools, and will provide a extra post-class activity to try each the week. Students will be invited to share their work publicly, if they choose, through the Grange Hall Cultural Center digital platforms
Attendance: Min: 5 Max: 15 for both sessions
Register for this series in advance (by July 25) for $10/day (total $30).
Early Bird pricing ($10/class) for individual classes can be bought separately, but must be purchased 7 days in advance of the class, otherwise,
Drop In classes are $15.
Attendance: Min: 5 Max: 12
Contact grangehallcc@gmail.com or 802-244-4168 for info or registration, of buy online at sevendaystickets.orgĀ (ticket service is experiencing internal errors at the moment, so contact us directly until it gets figured out.)
Discounts for multiple siblings. Limited scholarships available.
Sign up for as many or as few sessions as you are interested in!